Monday 30 May 2011

Dave Thomas

-He was born into poverty
-He was born in atlatnta
-When he was five, his adoptive mom died.
-His dad was harsh on him afterwards.
-They ate all there meals in restrants
-The moved to ockarige
-He tried to help, and got fired at both jobs
-He got a job at Regis
-He said he was sixteen, but he was 12
-He got support from his grandma
-He had a dream to own restrants
-They moved into a small trailer. With no plumbing
-He dropped out of school. And moved out.
-He made them like his family
-They were like his seragote family
-He joined the army
-He was sent to germany as a ocupirer
-He returned but met his match.
-They got married one year after they met
-He was manger of his little buinesess when he was twenty two
-They had four childern, in six years
-He was a better chef than a father
-He found out how to be sucsessful from Cornel Sanders
-He helped to sort out kuntky fried chicken
-He didn't enjoy his work
-His wrok to up his entire life
-He diden't enjoy his life
-He made a fortune buy selling his stores to KFC
-At age thrity seven. He was rich
-He named his restrant after his daughter
-There were some big lines
-He knew how to do everyjob. But he never did it.
-He never went to the award banquetes. he just worked
-In the first six years there were one hundered Wendys
-After the next year there was five hundred
-By the late seventys he had over three thousand restarnts
-Wheres the Beef?
-He loved his product
-He looked for a new restrant person
-Someone famous

Monday 16 May 2011


-Writting . I am already doing this.
-Teaching people. I am good at school work so helping people with that.
-Writting for people. Maybe making them notes and stuff.
-Making song.
-Playing piano in the hallway, tips
-Online site. Make people pay for something.
-Selling things to people.
-Mow lawn
-Help my friend move
-Buying things for cheap, selling them at higher prices.

-I am good at it.
-Makes me money.
-Doubt I will ever run out of work.

-No ideas coming to mind.
-No one buying books.
-Writting bad books.

-Dont try to force it.
-Keep on trying till they do.
-No idea.

Friday 13 May 2011

Ray Kroc McD's

-If they were drowing to death, I would put a hose in there mouth.
-Was born in chacgio.
-In 1905 they moved to a different area.
-He liked to help. He was alright at swepping.
-While still in school. He started a lemonad stand.
-Then he went to work at a store.
-If he had an idea, he made it reality.
-He left for World War one. So he could leave.
-He went into the red cross.
-His parents told him to go back to school. Dident last to long.
-His first main career. Was selling Lily Cups.
-He found his big leap. With a Soda Chemisty store.
-When he signed a deal with wallgreens. He became a big leage star.
-His social life went down, because he was helping himself in his bueiness.
-He left his paper cup bueisness. To sell the mixer's.
-He went to calfirnonia. To see there idea's
-They cut there menu down. And only sold nine out of the 25
-They created a fast pace question. Let people do the own work
-The Pionnerd the food industry.
-They made it fast food
-Before he could get the bueisness up. He had to buy out the other people.
-He was fantical with clenlieness.
-He set out to make McDonadls around the whole country
-He fell in love with another women.
-He created a manual of how to run the company.
-He wanted perfection, he dident like anything other.
-He created a Hambuger Universtiy.
-He dident like the orgianal ideas. So he tryed to get ride of them.
-He bought them out. They wanted a million each. So it came up to 2.7 million.
-He got even with them because they skrewed him over.
-They were the first actual fast food company to go public.
-By the time he was 70 he had everything he wanted. He had his wife, and his money.
-By the 70's McD became the largest food maker in the world.

Thursday 28 April 2011


-Iphone App turns your to do list into a game.
-The make your to do list into a game. You input your data, pick your player and go. It makes your to do list, into something you actualy want to do.

-Platforms let novices make there own games.
-They let the people devlop there own game with out the hassel of actualy knowing what you are doing.
-Instead of writing a single line of code, you are allowed to just drag and drop things into your game.

-Tour Guides for virtual tavel.
-You can tavel around the world without leaving the comfort of your own home.
-Going along the same lines of the Sims, they travel you through the world, without you actualy moving.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Good to great.

-Good is the enemy of great.
-Level 5 leadership.
-Greatness is not a function of circustance. Greatness it turns out is largly a matter of concious choice.
-A level 5 leader is humble and fearless.
-Its all about the people.
First who, then what
-If we get the right people on the bus, and the wrong people off the bus. Then we will be sucseful
-Great vison without great people is irelavant.
-The right people dont have to be maneged, or to be fired up.
-In a good to great accet. People arent the most important asset. The right people are.
-The only way to deliver to the people achiving, not to the pople who arent.
-When you know you have to make a change, do it.
-put your people on the bigest opretunities, not the bigest problems.
Hedgehog Concept.
-Take that one thing you are good at, and stick with it.
-Which is more important, the idea or the good skill.
-The main idea behind the buisness.
-Use your one talent to the best of its use.

My hedgehog Concept is....
-I am a great writter, and poet so I will always use that to my advatage. I can also play piano like a pro. So I can use that if I really want to.

Friday 15 April 2011

Martha Stewart

-She was worth over 2 billion dolars.
-they moved to New Jersy, in Elm Lane.
-Her parents were really strict. Her dad was ridged, in his tradition.
-And her mom, was a perfeshinal homemaker.
-From a young age, she always thought she was more of an adult, then a kid.
-She worked hard in school, and was called a star student.
-She was one of the first women to get into advance mathmatics.
-She joined ever single club she could find.
-She worked on weekends. She had to make her own way to get into college.
-She dident have many boy friends
-She got a scholership in one of the top women college. Barner College.
-She was independent. And did everything herself.
-She made the glammer magazine.
-Andy was her first real boyfriend.
-Matha decided to drop out of school. To help andy get through school.
-They went through out Europe. Living on 5 dollars a day
-She worked out how to make European food.
-She had a daughter, named Lexis.
-he was as if tailor made for wallstreet.
-She made alot of money, even by todays money income.
-There house they bought was built in 1805.
-She was called to put into a wedding, and she put everything she had intt it.
-She ended up having to take out the whole buiesness.
-She oversaw every detail
-She never stoped working.
-Her faily life started to fall apart.
-Both men and women love to fallow her.
-She got divorced to andy.
-There was a battle over money.
-As her social life was colapsing. But her buieness was growing fast.
-She even made her own company.
-She built an Empire. But she dident have anyone to share it iwth.

-She never stoped, even if odds were agiants her.
-She had a humble start, but if you work hard enough you can get anywhere.
-She loved what she did, so that what made her succeed.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Young Ent's

-Sean Belnick is the creater of BizChairs.
-BizChairs is the leader in selling funiture, mostly chairs, to large businesses like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo. ect....
-He Started his very First "business" venture when he was a child. He made over $500 just selling pokemon cards one summer.
-Then when he was 14, he locked himself in his bedroom for several days, then when he came out agian, BizChairs was born.
-He started with only a few of his dads old chairs $500 for the website design, and one employee. Himself.
-He put himself out every where. He made himself known, with ads on youtube, and even putting ads on the places he was selling chairs to.
-In 2007 he made over $38 million in sales of just chairs.
-Then In 2008 he made over $54 million.
-His expects that in the next 2 years his revenue should be over $75 million.
-He now has over 70 employee's, and he says he doesnt even know how to mange them all.

Interview With Sean Belnick – Making $50,000,000 A Year Selling Business Chairs

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Bill Gates

-Gates is one of the best-known entrepreneurs of the personal computer revolution
-They Critices his career because of his tactics.
-He was a very competivitive kid.
-He dident like to get told what to do.
-He worked very hard, and rarely left the office.
-He was often found sleeping on the couch.
-He was a brilliant young man, and dient really try during class.
-He put more into his intrests then his school work.
-Hiis work went first. He put his social life at a stand still.
-He loved his mother other alot.

-I learnd thgat if you put enough into what you do. You can get anything done.
If you put all your energy into it, anything can happen. Inclouding, not having a social life.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Marketing Plan

-Marketing Plan is a paln used by business to guide themselves to process the desired product.
-Marketing Objectives is what a business wants to accomplish through its marketing efforts.
-Marketing Mix is the five marketing stratigies used to reach a market. Product, place, price, promotion, people.
-Producte considerations include:
>Features, and benifets.
>Branding, packaging, and labeling.
-Brand is the name or symbol or design used to identify a product.
-Packaging is what the product is wrapped in.
-Label is the title on the product.
-Product Positioning is how consumors see a product comparison to another product.
-Product Mix is all the products a company makes or sells.
-Channel of distributaion. is the path a product takes to get to the consumors.

Friday 1 April 2011

Sam Walton

-He pored everything he had into his buieness.
-He grandpa was a banker in the 1800's.
-Sams dad was an evictor for the bank.
-As a kid, he was a good, all around child.
-He became very frugal. Because of all the things he saw.
-His first bueisness was selling milk.
-He went to the boyscouts as a kid, and saved a kid who fell into the river.
-He played lots of sports, and he was fiercly competitive.
-He took a paper route, and made it through college with it.
-He began his career in JCpenny.
-He was actualy helped by JCpenny himself.
-He was a bad bookkepper because he dident want to keep the customers waiting.
-He quit his job to join the army, but was said unfit.
-He got a job at a gun shop.
-When he was called into duty, he proposed, she said yes.
-They then moved to where he had his job.
-With 25000 he bought out a franklen store. And got them up and running agian.
-He went out during the night to get cheaper supplies.
-He always had a small buget, and never made anyone spend to much.
-In two years he could already pay back his father in law.
-Then he got his little brother bud into the bueisness.
-The owner kicked sam out of his buildeing for his son.
-But he dident dwel on it. And moved to bentinvil, Arkonsaw.
-This time he insisted that he get a long lease.
-All his kids helped him out of his store.
-He was very sucsesful.
-He always kept his ear to the ground.
-He went with the new bueisness route, so that people could pick out there own goods.
-In just under 10 years he had several different stores through out several states.
-He thought that if you could sell things cheaply, you would make money.
-He leased a larger store, so could get bigger.
-His first walmart store made over a million in one year.
-Then he bought out a bank, so he could lend himself money.
-He steadly expaned over about two stores a year. In total he had 18 stores.
-He often brought his faily on long vactaions, normaly camping.
-By the 1970 he had more then 30 stores.
-He had over two million dollars in debt.
-But he opened his stores, for people to bye out.
-He offered large amounts of money, to people who worked for them.
-He opened up his money polocies to the people who work for him.
-By 1988, he had over 200 stores.
-Bye 1993, the had over 2billion dollars.
-Walten lost over half a billion dollars, but he dident really care.
-On april 2 1993 he died.
He tryed just to make a good bueisness, so that he could get out of the poverty he saw as a kid.
His best slogan for all stores, is to let people pick what they want, that was his biggest sucsess.
His metors were probaly his dad, and Uncle, he saw how good the got, and he wanted to get there to.
Never give up. Put everything you have on the line, else you wont get anything.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Market Reaserch

-Industy is a collection of buiesness with a common line of products or services.
- Carrying compacity is the ability of industry to support and grow.
-Uncertainty is the degree of stabilityor instabilty.
-Complexity is the number and diversity of contacts with whom you must deal with.
-The cicle of birth\ buiessness. Birth.... Growth.... Mutrity..... Decline.
-Market is a group of compainies who have a demand for a project or service and are willing to bye it.
-target market is a specific group of compainies that have a very specific type of recsorce.
-Market segentisaon. is thw process of grouping smaller markets together to make a larger whole.
-Market segments is a subfroup of buyers with simialer charatitics.
-Geographics is the study of the market of where custermors live, inculding region, state, country, and\or area.
-Psychographics is the study of consumers based on social and psylogical charastics. Such as, personal opions, reoligion, sigles, couples....
-Inductrial markets is bueisness to buiesness.
-Target bueisness must be measruable. Big profit. Reachable. Resopnsive.
-Marekt reasearch isthe collection and analisiys of information aimed at understanding the behaior of the customor.

Monday 28 March 2011

Blue Ocean Stratigies

-A blue ocean stratigy is when you take an idea, and make it so different, tht it revolutionises the term.

-Blue ocean comanys have more room to grow. And to expand. They can take over a corner of the market no one has ever looked at before. They can have a 60% increase in profits. Compared to other companies.

-Being in a red sea, is like being in a war zone, you are constantly fighting over the bit of market you have left.

-A good example of a red sea company is, t.v. companys, like telus, apple, sony ect... They all compet, and no one is winning the battle.

-A blue ocean comampny is like, booster juice. No one got that part of the market, so they took it. Now no one can compete with them.

-There are 6 main stratigies, but the main one I think. Is to take an idea, and flip it on its head. Like Booster juice, they wentr with the fast food look. Amd flipped it, and made it into a juice bar. No one can beat them.

Friday 11 March 2011

- He dident finish high school.
- If you need a partner, you have to like them.
- Sometimes having more then one partner is useful.
- Always be passionate about what you are doing. Or else you wont suceed.
- Find away to be the best.
- It is useful to kiss up to the people above you.
- Never give up.
- Love your employies