Tuesday 19 April 2011

Good to great.

-Good is the enemy of great.
-Level 5 leadership.
-Greatness is not a function of circustance. Greatness it turns out is largly a matter of concious choice.
-A level 5 leader is humble and fearless.
-Its all about the people.
First who, then what
-If we get the right people on the bus, and the wrong people off the bus. Then we will be sucseful
-Great vison without great people is irelavant.
-The right people dont have to be maneged, or to be fired up.
-In a good to great accet. People arent the most important asset. The right people are.
-The only way to deliver to the people achiving, not to the pople who arent.
-When you know you have to make a change, do it.
-put your people on the bigest opretunities, not the bigest problems.
Hedgehog Concept.
-Take that one thing you are good at, and stick with it.
-Which is more important, the idea or the good skill.
-The main idea behind the buisness.
-Use your one talent to the best of its use.

My hedgehog Concept is....
-I am a great writter, and poet so I will always use that to my advatage. I can also play piano like a pro. So I can use that if I really want to.

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