Friday 1 April 2011

Sam Walton

-He pored everything he had into his buieness.
-He grandpa was a banker in the 1800's.
-Sams dad was an evictor for the bank.
-As a kid, he was a good, all around child.
-He became very frugal. Because of all the things he saw.
-His first bueisness was selling milk.
-He went to the boyscouts as a kid, and saved a kid who fell into the river.
-He played lots of sports, and he was fiercly competitive.
-He took a paper route, and made it through college with it.
-He began his career in JCpenny.
-He was actualy helped by JCpenny himself.
-He was a bad bookkepper because he dident want to keep the customers waiting.
-He quit his job to join the army, but was said unfit.
-He got a job at a gun shop.
-When he was called into duty, he proposed, she said yes.
-They then moved to where he had his job.
-With 25000 he bought out a franklen store. And got them up and running agian.
-He went out during the night to get cheaper supplies.
-He always had a small buget, and never made anyone spend to much.
-In two years he could already pay back his father in law.
-Then he got his little brother bud into the bueisness.
-The owner kicked sam out of his buildeing for his son.
-But he dident dwel on it. And moved to bentinvil, Arkonsaw.
-This time he insisted that he get a long lease.
-All his kids helped him out of his store.
-He was very sucsesful.
-He always kept his ear to the ground.
-He went with the new bueisness route, so that people could pick out there own goods.
-In just under 10 years he had several different stores through out several states.
-He thought that if you could sell things cheaply, you would make money.
-He leased a larger store, so could get bigger.
-His first walmart store made over a million in one year.
-Then he bought out a bank, so he could lend himself money.
-He steadly expaned over about two stores a year. In total he had 18 stores.
-He often brought his faily on long vactaions, normaly camping.
-By the 1970 he had more then 30 stores.
-He had over two million dollars in debt.
-But he opened his stores, for people to bye out.
-He offered large amounts of money, to people who worked for them.
-He opened up his money polocies to the people who work for him.
-By 1988, he had over 200 stores.
-Bye 1993, the had over 2billion dollars.
-Walten lost over half a billion dollars, but he dident really care.
-On april 2 1993 he died.
He tryed just to make a good bueisness, so that he could get out of the poverty he saw as a kid.
His best slogan for all stores, is to let people pick what they want, that was his biggest sucsess.
His metors were probaly his dad, and Uncle, he saw how good the got, and he wanted to get there to.
Never give up. Put everything you have on the line, else you wont get anything.

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