Wednesday 30 March 2011

Market Reaserch

-Industy is a collection of buiesness with a common line of products or services.
- Carrying compacity is the ability of industry to support and grow.
-Uncertainty is the degree of stabilityor instabilty.
-Complexity is the number and diversity of contacts with whom you must deal with.
-The cicle of birth\ buiessness. Birth.... Growth.... Mutrity..... Decline.
-Market is a group of compainies who have a demand for a project or service and are willing to bye it.
-target market is a specific group of compainies that have a very specific type of recsorce.
-Market segentisaon. is thw process of grouping smaller markets together to make a larger whole.
-Market segments is a subfroup of buyers with simialer charatitics.
-Geographics is the study of the market of where custermors live, inculding region, state, country, and\or area.
-Psychographics is the study of consumers based on social and psylogical charastics. Such as, personal opions, reoligion, sigles, couples....
-Inductrial markets is bueisness to buiesness.
-Target bueisness must be measruable. Big profit. Reachable. Resopnsive.
-Marekt reasearch isthe collection and analisiys of information aimed at understanding the behaior of the customor.

Monday 28 March 2011

Blue Ocean Stratigies

-A blue ocean stratigy is when you take an idea, and make it so different, tht it revolutionises the term.

-Blue ocean comanys have more room to grow. And to expand. They can take over a corner of the market no one has ever looked at before. They can have a 60% increase in profits. Compared to other companies.

-Being in a red sea, is like being in a war zone, you are constantly fighting over the bit of market you have left.

-A good example of a red sea company is, t.v. companys, like telus, apple, sony ect... They all compet, and no one is winning the battle.

-A blue ocean comampny is like, booster juice. No one got that part of the market, so they took it. Now no one can compete with them.

-There are 6 main stratigies, but the main one I think. Is to take an idea, and flip it on its head. Like Booster juice, they wentr with the fast food look. Amd flipped it, and made it into a juice bar. No one can beat them.

Friday 11 March 2011

- He dident finish high school.
- If you need a partner, you have to like them.
- Sometimes having more then one partner is useful.
- Always be passionate about what you are doing. Or else you wont suceed.
- Find away to be the best.
- It is useful to kiss up to the people above you.
- Never give up.
- Love your employies