Monday 30 May 2011

Dave Thomas

-He was born into poverty
-He was born in atlatnta
-When he was five, his adoptive mom died.
-His dad was harsh on him afterwards.
-They ate all there meals in restrants
-The moved to ockarige
-He tried to help, and got fired at both jobs
-He got a job at Regis
-He said he was sixteen, but he was 12
-He got support from his grandma
-He had a dream to own restrants
-They moved into a small trailer. With no plumbing
-He dropped out of school. And moved out.
-He made them like his family
-They were like his seragote family
-He joined the army
-He was sent to germany as a ocupirer
-He returned but met his match.
-They got married one year after they met
-He was manger of his little buinesess when he was twenty two
-They had four childern, in six years
-He was a better chef than a father
-He found out how to be sucsessful from Cornel Sanders
-He helped to sort out kuntky fried chicken
-He didn't enjoy his work
-His wrok to up his entire life
-He diden't enjoy his life
-He made a fortune buy selling his stores to KFC
-At age thrity seven. He was rich
-He named his restrant after his daughter
-There were some big lines
-He knew how to do everyjob. But he never did it.
-He never went to the award banquetes. he just worked
-In the first six years there were one hundered Wendys
-After the next year there was five hundred
-By the late seventys he had over three thousand restarnts
-Wheres the Beef?
-He loved his product
-He looked for a new restrant person
-Someone famous

Monday 16 May 2011


-Writting . I am already doing this.
-Teaching people. I am good at school work so helping people with that.
-Writting for people. Maybe making them notes and stuff.
-Making song.
-Playing piano in the hallway, tips
-Online site. Make people pay for something.
-Selling things to people.
-Mow lawn
-Help my friend move
-Buying things for cheap, selling them at higher prices.

-I am good at it.
-Makes me money.
-Doubt I will ever run out of work.

-No ideas coming to mind.
-No one buying books.
-Writting bad books.

-Dont try to force it.
-Keep on trying till they do.
-No idea.

Friday 13 May 2011

Ray Kroc McD's

-If they were drowing to death, I would put a hose in there mouth.
-Was born in chacgio.
-In 1905 they moved to a different area.
-He liked to help. He was alright at swepping.
-While still in school. He started a lemonad stand.
-Then he went to work at a store.
-If he had an idea, he made it reality.
-He left for World War one. So he could leave.
-He went into the red cross.
-His parents told him to go back to school. Dident last to long.
-His first main career. Was selling Lily Cups.
-He found his big leap. With a Soda Chemisty store.
-When he signed a deal with wallgreens. He became a big leage star.
-His social life went down, because he was helping himself in his bueiness.
-He left his paper cup bueisness. To sell the mixer's.
-He went to calfirnonia. To see there idea's
-They cut there menu down. And only sold nine out of the 25
-They created a fast pace question. Let people do the own work
-The Pionnerd the food industry.
-They made it fast food
-Before he could get the bueisness up. He had to buy out the other people.
-He was fantical with clenlieness.
-He set out to make McDonadls around the whole country
-He fell in love with another women.
-He created a manual of how to run the company.
-He wanted perfection, he dident like anything other.
-He created a Hambuger Universtiy.
-He dident like the orgianal ideas. So he tryed to get ride of them.
-He bought them out. They wanted a million each. So it came up to 2.7 million.
-He got even with them because they skrewed him over.
-They were the first actual fast food company to go public.
-By the time he was 70 he had everything he wanted. He had his wife, and his money.
-By the 70's McD became the largest food maker in the world.